And I lived to Tell the Tale

Everybody’s life is different, and some struggle more, some know more obstacles than others. But I often hear people who overcome those and they say their struggle made them more human, it empowered them in a way.

To put it in a nutshell, their experience was enriching.

What I would want to share today, with you and with the whole world, is that we are all Humans. Human beings. Being Human. And being Human also means being perfectible, improvable. 

Being Human just can’t mean being perfect, but some of us try their hardest to be that perfect person. This leads to the struggle to be perfect, and that’s where obstacle come in the way.

And I can tell you today, that I, as a teenager, being quite idealistic, I tried to reach perfection too. But it has had a cost : it nearly killed me, and it took part of my health away.

Don’t try to be perfect, we’re “only humans after all” ( beautiful song here: )

–  That which does not kill us makes us stronger –

Friedrich Nietzsche




Re-blogging 1O1


As you can see, I’ve written two articles today (Oh, inspiration…) and my only will is to continue again, so I’m thinking about all the articles I want to write.

First, I always find a title for what I want to write BEFORE actually starting writing it, which makes that I have a lot of article possibilities, but not always the time to write them (so, yes, I have a list full of titles in my notes app on my phone…)

The next articles will come in a few days I hope, I’ve got a lot to make you discover about.

Stay tuned, get updated, and be curious !


Today’s prompt : Border 

I’m very happy today to share today’s prompt, something I haven’t done for a very long time and it’s a part of why I’m so happy do retry this writing exercise.

We’re in a a world where borders have always been a problem. Since the ancient times, kingdoms have always had the will to push their borders accross another country and to invade them.

Religion was helping during Middle Age, as religions and civil wars spread across the Old Continent.

Asia wasn’t spared either during all the conflicts between China and Japan.

The two World Wars are also an example of this, Belgium borders didn’t count anymore for  the german army who used that country to go to France. Hitler, with the Anschluss, invaded Poland.

And the same things repeat again and again, to the world we know today, and with the migrants crisis all over the world.

Daily Prompt : 1984

You’re locked in a room with your greatest fear. Describe what’s in the room

That’s gonna be a very short post, as there’s not a lot to describe about what you can see in your own room that can frighten you.

In the room, my bed. A double bed, more precisely. On its left, a wardrobe and on the right, a big mirror. It’s the night, curtains are shut down, only shadows are to be seen. I lock the door and go silently to bed, looking for a little warmth. I lay there for a few minutes and then I see something silent, but moving in my room’s bathroom. Here it is. The thief. Now my greatest fear has taken place. A thief, holding a gun is in my room. Whoah. And I’m locked there, with no possibilities of going out. I’ll be fake asleep and we’ll see what happens, hoping that nothing goes wrong.

Weekly Photo Challenge : Treats

For many, candies aren’t a favorite indulgence. Maybe you’re a savory food lover, or you’ve gone on a beautiful vacation to treat yourself. Perhaps some quiet time alone with a beloved novel is your greatest pleasure. This week, share with us a photo of something that you consider a marvelous treat.

Hello everyone !

It’s been a while since my last post, I know it and I have no excuses ! But you won’t blame me if a lot of things occured in my life, would you ? 🙂

This time I’ll only post that ~post~ and then I’ll tell you my story later!

I love tea, that’s a fact everybody around me knows, and what do I do if I want to have a little rest and have a good time? Let’s guess… TEA !!! Just sitting on the couch, maybe watching TV, with a great warm tea is like Paradise to me.

I like it hot, with any kind of tea ( but the Genmaicha tea I bought is really awesome!) and a bit of honey (to satisfy my sweet tooth) and that’s when it’s infused only 1-2 minutes that it’s the best thing I’ve ever had in my day. Just imagine, some hot tea smoothly going down your throat, warming you up and making you feel great as if it was something really relaxing and resting… Who wouldn’t seriously do this?! (And if you don’t like tea, then imagine it’s coffee 😛 )

I don’t even know how to describe it greatly, as it’s one’s proper feelings that can express it, but if you’re the same as me, then you’ll know for sure what I mean. It’s only litlle things like that that can lighten up someone’s day!



Texte, je participe au jeu d’Elleirame !

Coucou tout le monde ! Je ne vous l’avais pas dit, mais je participe au jeu d’Elleirame, la page du jeu est ici :

Voici  mon texte, vous pouvez aussi le retrouver sur la page du jeu, ce texte va avec la photo de Rosamere.

Quelle idée de se retrouver seule, en pleine ville, alors que le soir commençait a tomber ? Je vous demande ! Moi, la pire gaffeuse universelle, je suis sortie ce matin en ville, à Paris, alors que j’avais fini de déménager la veille, et forcément, je me suis perdue ! Je m’étais arrêtée ce midi pour manger et j’avais cherché mon chemin tout le reste de l’après-midi…. On m’avait toujours dit que j’étais douée, mais maintenant, je voyais mieux ce qu’ils avaient voulu dire par là. A environ 19 heures, j’avais enfin trouvé une bouche de métro de la ligne que j’étais censée prendre.

Je descend donc jusqu’au quai et là, personne…. Une grande barrière est posée sur la voie du métro… On peux voir également un message sur ce que j’appelle le panneau « afficheur des horaires ». C’est écrit que ma ligne ne circulera pas ce soir là… oh non ! Comment vais-je faire pour rentrer chez moi ? Il ne reste qu’une solution, le bus… Encore faut-il que j’arrive à sortir de cet endroit… C’est vrai, quoi, les architectes du métro parisien, comme ce monsieur Bienvenue, ils auraient pu faire un effort pour faire des sorties directes ! Bienvenue, bienvenue, merci bien mais en attendant j’ai acheté des tickets de métro pour rien !

Toujours est-il que moi je peinais à rejoindre la sortie, et toutes ces allées, tous ces murs identiques avec trois tonnes de publicité sur les murs ne m’aidaient pas… Le couloir était désert. Seule la lumière allumée pouvait me rassurer. Il faisait froid, je n’avais pas pris mon blouson, un courant d’air passait… Rien. Il n’y avait absolument rien ni personne ici, à part moi. Ca avait un côté pas très rassurant, le soir, comme ça, au milieu d’un couloir de métro désert, avec pour seule compagnie des lampes et de la pub… J’avais carrément peur oui ! J’ai couru là où je pensais trouver la sortie, mais forcément, je me perdais encore et encore… jusqu’à ce que je la trouve enfin, cette sortie ! Il était à peine un peu plus de 19h30. Une demi-heure à chercher son chemin alors qu’on ne rencontre pas âme qui vive, c’est franchement long ! Bon, c’était une bonne chose de faite. Maintenant restait à trouver le bon arrêt de bus…

Voilà, j’espère que vous avez aimé !



Daily Prompt: I Believe

For today’s prompt, tell us three things that you believe in your heart to be true. Tell us three things you believe in your heart to be false.

Three things to be true

I believe I can manage if I want, whenever, wherever and whatever.

I believe people to be good deep inside them. The most guilty person has done good things at least once in his life.

I believe people must be who they are, that’s the only way to be

Three things to be false

I’m someone popular and admired (yeah I know, a lot of people are the same as me!)

I believe I can do only good things. That’s false because I have done wrong so many times !

I believe my truth is THE truth. It is not true because someone proved it to me more than once. Plus, we can never prove one’s truth is the universal truth!

Hey, I like the presentation of this article! That’s like a little poem without rhymes, but not all the poems have rhymes!

What did you think about it ? I know it could be a bit far-fetched but I didn’t have a lot of inspiration to write this Prompt.

Hope you’ve liked !

Daily Prompt: Pour Some Sugar on Me

What is your favorite sweet thing to eat? Bread pudding? Chocolate chip oatmeal cookies? A smooth and creamy piece of cheesecake? Tell us all about the anticipation and delight of eating your favorite dessert. Not into sweets? Tell us all about your weakness for that certain salty snack.

Hello there !

My favorite sweet thing to eat ? I don’t really know about that, but if I had to choose one, it would be chocolate cake or cookies. I just looooove the smell of the chocolate cake when it’s baking !

I like cookies too because it is crunchy and it’s better with chocolate !

But now, those last weeks, I’m rather fond of vegetables, only because I don’t want to eat too much starchy food, so I tell my mum: ” This day, that one and that one, I want veggies ! “.

Of course, she’s not against the fact of eating vegetables, but there’s  my little sister, who doesn’t eat a lot of vegetables, she prefers things like pizzas, potatoes, hamburger, that kind of food !

Let me give you an advice: Never let her do the menus, and never tell her what we’ll eat if this is veggies and fish !

And there’s also what we eat at the school’s canteen…. There’s always the choice, but the veggies…. they are quite weird I think. That’s only my opinion, of course, you can believe that I lie and all the schools’ food are good, but as I said, it’s only my opinion. I prefer eating the potatoes, pasta or rice they’re given, but there’s no place for too much sugar during meals.I don’t snack, first because it’s not healthy, and also because I try to reduce the amount of sugar and bad things for health.

Have a good meal full of veggies this evening !

This is it for this DP, and I know I’m a little bit out of the subject, but I hope you’ve enjoyed that little story, and there is a last thing I wanted to say : EAT VEGETABLES ! 😉


Daily Prompt: Never Surrender

Are you stubborn as a grass stain or as easy going as a light breeze on a warm day? Tell us about the ways in which you’re stubborn — which issues make you dig your heels in and refuse to budge?

A new Daily Prompt ! You missed it, don’t deny, I know it !I am someone really stubborn. In fact I play with it, and it is quite fun !

Now, I am stubborn but I do it my way, for instance, I don’t like when people decide things for me, so I could tell them I won’t do it, whatever that involves.

The week before the holidays, we had a special event at school, a music competition. Our class didn’t have something right, until the tuesday before the event, which was on friday.

So, I thought I didn’t want to do it, because, even if being ridiculous does not kill someone, I didn’t want to be ridiculous, so I thought I would be sitting on my chair and let the others do it. People in my class told me I had to do it, everyone must participate, but I wouldn’t hear that. At last, I did it because the choreography was better than before.

If I don’t want to do something, then people can’t make me do that, I am as stubborn as a mule !

If I really want to show I’m that stubborn, I can never do what people want me to do, and do it later on my own !

One time, a teacher enrolled me for the music rehearsals at school, but I didn’t want so, I didn’t go but I thought I could go after when I had decided so. Now it’s too late to do it, but I promise I would have done it on my own if I wanted !
I guess it’s a little bit confused and you may not understand but I understand myself :p !

I also know our great friend Kimmie is like me !

All has an end, even those great Daily Prompts ! So I should let it like that and say you goodbye 🙂 !

Zoe from MEEL, at your service for writing 😉 !